Thursday, May 15, 2008
New role for James
The official James Marsters website some good news for James
James has accepted a fantastic new acting role from a UK company. We will share more details with you about the project once producers have given us the okay to do so. However, we wanted to tell you as soon as possible because unfortunately it conflicts directly with the Fangoria Convention of June 21-22 in New Jersey. As of now we still expect to be able to attend DragonCon in August, but must cancel the earlier event and we apologize for the inconvenience we know this will cause to some of you.and a comment of Steve about the past convention in Uk.
I wanted to share a few reflections with you about the recent week of the tour. Let's start with the good - and there was a lot! Great seeing all the old familiar faces and meeting so many new. Thanks to Torchwood there is a whole new group of folks who have discovered James and now share in the enthusiasm of everything James. Eve Myles, Kai Owen, Gareth David Lloyd and all the Torchwood writers - need I say more, the absolute best! The staff of JMLive, who I simply couldn't do these events without. People having fun, meeting new friends, Union Chapel's great acoustics, lots of good laughs and memories. Some great performances by James.
The bad... Unfortunately the concert scheduled for The Rift didn't happen. James wasn't well and wasn't able to perform. We gave it our best to provide an alternative form of entertainment (bless Kai, Justine and Gareth) and now I'm the star of a u-tube video (this is very bad). Some of the weather was bad but typical for London this time of year. Some of the train services provided a challenge to many making their way to Milton Keynes and back. As usual, long lines.he truth be told, it seems to come from only a very small group of 'fans' but nonetheless very vocal ones. Let me assure you, that a few bad apples won't ruin it for the rest of us. One 'fan' in particular has overstepped the boundaries and I'm going to set the record straight once and for all. This lady wrote me an email alleging not only that James was too drunk to perform at The Rift and complaining about the event, but effectively calling him a liar about his illness. I'm also told she's been very busy on the fan boards, but I don't read those. To which I now publicly respond as follows:...
May 2008 - Vacation Break
Even though a full Q&A was promised for May, with James just having finished an incredibly busy and stressful year of steady,and sometimes grueling, work, and with his new project just ahead to prepare for, we have decided to give him a little bit of well-deserved vacation. The Q&A's will resume as soon as James' schedule permits.
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